Texas Mesothelioma Attorneys will work with you throughout your case, and not pass off your case to inexperienced associates, nor will they refer your case to an outside firm for a referral fee.
Mesothelioma seems to be fatal cancer that results from ingesting asbestos fibers. On the other hand, it is also seen as an occupational disease, anyone who’s exposed to asbestos can develop mesothelioma.
It is specifically common among people who featured & worked in the construction trades, military veterans, oil refineries, and chemical plant workers, among others.
Furthermore, manufacturers in various industries used asbestos in their products because of its heat resistance, strength, and insulating properties; it can be found almost anywhere. There may arise a need to consult with a mesothelioma lawyer.
Diagnosed With Mesothelioma
Doctors diagnose around 2,000 men and women with mesothelioma each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In almost every case, exposure to asbestos-containing products occurred at least 25 years before the diagnosis of the disease, as mesothelioma is a slow-developing cancer.
This slow development made it easier for manufacturers of asbestos-containing products to claim that it was not toxic — even though they knew it was carcinogenic since the 1930s and harmful to the lungs even before.
There’s compensation available for victims of this illness, including for family members of individuals who died due to asbestos exposure. There are various ways to obtain the compensation you deserve.
To learn more, simply call the Law Firm of Ted B. Lyon & Associates at 800-TedLyon. They are Texas trial attorneys who represent mesothelioma victims within the state.
Texas Mesothelioma Attorneys Legal Options in Mesothelioma Claims
During your initial consultation, there will be a discussion based on the legal options for obtaining compensation, which usually includes some combination of the following:
- Filing a lawsuit, resulting in a settlement or trial
- Filing a claim against the organization which exposed you to asbestos
- Filing a claim with the Asbestos Trust Fund
- Filing a claim for compensation from the Veterans Administration
The strategy depends on the circumstances of your exposure and the way the illness has affected you and your family. Having advice and counsel from one of their knowledgeable mesothelioma attorneys is critical to obtaining maximum compensation. It costs you nothing to talk with them and you only pay attorney’s fees if we obtain compensation for you.
Texas Mesothelioma Attorneys for Texas Mesothelioma Victims
The company’s Dallas, Texas law firm is fortunate to have experienced attorneys focused on mesothelioma cases. Its Mesothelioma lawyers have successfully won trial verdicts. Which they can instantly evaluate your case & walk you through the legal & documented process.
As said earlier, Texas Mesothelioma Lawyers will also work with you throughout your case, and not pass off your case to inexperienced associates, nor will they refer your case to an outside firm for a referral fee. Texas Mesothelioma Lawyers are just present to assist patients with Mesothelioma.
To learn more, call the Law Firm of Ted B. Lyon & Associates at 800-TedLyon. You may also use our online contact form to schedule your consultation.